
Stumbled across these online and thought they were pretty cool… Made in the Methow Valley, too! Unfortunately, it looks like yurts are not generally allowed in developments that prohibit manufactured homes, but maybe we’ll end up in a place with no such restrictions? Living in a yurt would be amazing, with its soaring ceiling and plenty of light streaming in from windows on all sides. Not to mention that it’s less expensive than a regular house, and appears to be more energy-efficient, even with all those windows.

(photo below copyright by Smiling Wood Yurts)

yurt photo


cities and seasons

Well, I’ve managed to let an entire month of 2015 slip by without posting. In my defense, it was a crazy busy month, with plenty of work deadlines and freelance projects. On top of that, P.’s dad is still staying with us, and it’s been hard to carve out some quiet time to sit down and write. Not that he would mind if I told him I needed to sit in front of the computer for a while; mostly it’s been me feeling like it would not be very nice to cut short our evening conversations, or just being busy with stuff like food shopping and cooking for the family, prepping for my classes, and, just last night, taxes. (We’re getting a refund – yay! The plan is to split it half and half between debt and savings, just as we’ve been doing with my freelance income.)  Continue reading