year-end thoughts

Greetings (to whoever reads this, if anyone, as well as my future self)!

It’s late afternoon on Christmas Eve (Western-style) as type this, and the sun has finally burst through the leaden gray clouds after attempting to do so several times earlier in the day. Our neighbor’s giant coniferous tree – some sort of fir or pine? – is suffused with a bright golden light, its branches swaying slightly in the wind. We didn’t get a white Christmas in Seattle this year, but at least we are getting some sunshine after days of gloom. Continue reading

between trips

We finally made it over to the Methow for Thanksgiving with P’s dad. The weather was crazy – first intermittently rainy (despite there being a good amount of snow already on the ground) and extremely foggy to the point of looking into complete blankness on the other side of the windshield, other than a vague patch of road ahead; then freezing and icy as temperatures dropped sharply overnight.  Continue reading