Summer solstice solitude

I am typing this post on the longest day of the year: here in Seattle, the sun rose at 5:11 am this morning and won’t set until 9:11 pm tonight, a whopping 16 hours of light, actually more, considering that the darkness dissipates some time before the sun rises and then light lingers for a while after sunset. All these hours of daylight make me feel like there is so much more time in one 24-hour day, and even if I don’t end up doing all that much with these “extra” hours, the day still feels extravagantly, bountifully long. Living so far up north has its drawbacks, but I wouldn’t trade this abundance of summer daylight for anything. It makes trudging through the winter darkness all worth it.

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Certification, CouchSurfing, communal living, and other news/musings

A minor accomplishment to report this week: I got my financial education certificate in the mail! It doesn’t mean much, of course, but it’s nice to have some sort of “official” confirmation that I’ve passed the course – although it would have been even nicer if there were no misspellings on the certificate…

FEN certificate


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